so sorry this took so long! I’ve just been feeling really
unmotivated lately. Plus I almost had it finished yesterday when
Sherlock came on. Sherlock is life so I'm only a little bit sorry for
not posting yesterday.
I'm here now to share with you my 2014 New Years Resolutions. I know
they’re a bit late but let's all just pretend that it's still the
5th January okay? Okay.
made resolutions in the past but they’ve always been a bit silly or
I've not stuck to them (whoops). But this year I've made my
resolutions and I’m going to stick to them, because they’re all
things I really want to focus on.
are my 'Big Goals'. I have lots of other little things that I want to
accomplish but my resolutions are ones that mean the most to me.
Just say yes.
for me, is my absolute most important resolution. I can be quite a
shy, nervous person. There's a lot of things that I shy away from or
just won't do because the idea of doing it terrifies me. An example
of this is school. In a lot of lessons I won't put my hand up or get
involved in class discussions, because I just cant bring myself to
raise my hand. It's one of those things that makes me annoyed
afterwards, because it shouldn’t be so difficult. I’m hoping that
this resolution will encourage me to be more outgoing, even if it is
just small things like getting more involved in school.
Stop letting silly things bother you.
is another pretty important one for me. I'm the kind of person that
takes everything to heart. Someone's passing comment can have me
awake at night worrying, and it's not particularly enjoyable. For
this reason, I’m going to learn to brush things off. On the other
end of the stick, I'm going to focus more on thinking before I speak,
because I would hate for something that I say to be taken in the
wrong way, and my mind often lacks a filter.
Remember the little things.
just going to come out and say it. I have a dreadful memory. Like,
really really bad. It's a real shame because I always forget the
little things like fun days out with my friends.
going to start taking more pictures, because I barely ever use my
camera, and I’m going to make a '2014 memories jar'. My friend
Georgia did this for 2013 and I thought it was such a good idea. Now
I just need to think of some way to decorate it! I also may
start a diary, but any attempts at this before haven’t been too
good, so I'm not putting too much faith in the idea.
Organise yourself.
possibly the least organised person in the world. With my GCSEs
coming up this year and next, I want to organise my time better,
revise, get homework done, finish last-years-media-coursework (oops)
and just generally sort my self out. I plan on doing this in a few
ways; I’m going to get some kind of weekly organiser/filofax, and
I’m going to put my whiteboards and cork-boards to use. Lists help
me a lot, so I’m going to start carrying my little flippy notepad
around to remind me of, well, just about everything (like I said,
awful memory).
Do stuff.
have absolutely no hobbies. I'm really bad at keeping them up because
I lack the time and energy and motivation and more often than not the
money. One of my goals this year is to start one or more hobbies and
actually stick at it. I made myself a list (I love lists) of some
things I'd like to try.
- As I mentioned before I want to try and take a lot more photos and use my camera more.
- I want to start sewing again. I've made a couple of little things in the past, but when my sister left for Uni she took her sewing machine with her. I want to get back into crafting and making, because it's something I really enjoy.
- Scrap-booking is another thing I’d really like to try this year. After browsing Pinterest it looks like something really fun that I could get into if I had some supplies and a bit of creativity.
- Finally, I want to start cooking more. I do bake quite a bit, but I generally stick to the same few recipes (another one of the reasons I haven’t posted one in a while, sorry!) I want to branch out and try cooking more savoury dishes alongside cakes.
really excited for my resolutions this year. I'm going to print them
on pretty paper and hang and frame them on my bedroom wall so I don’t
forget them.
you have any resolutions for this year? Or have you cheated on your
'no chocolate' rule already? ;)
(belated) New Year!
Shay. xo
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