Monday, 25 August 2014


*I'm terrible. I know how terrible I am. So to make up for my terrible laziness I have a post full of photos in the hope it makes me slightly less terrible. Is that how that works?*

If you follow my Instagram you probably guessed that I went on holiday a few weeks ago. My Mum, Dad, Kate and me all went camping in Hayle. We stayed on a campsite right on the beach (literally a five minute walk away, it was beautiful) and we took a ridiculous amount of photos. I've spent ages going through and choosing my favourites to share here, so I hope you enjoy!

The drive there was long. I spent most of it asleep.
It was worth it when we got there though, we were right next to the beach and could see the sea from where we were camped.
We spent a lot of time at the beach while we were there. I think the beach is one of my favourite places to be ever.
We went on a boat ride to 'seal island' to look at seals. We saw two.
We also visited St. Ives twice and it is easily one of the most gorgeous places I've ever been.
It was nice to just be able to relax for a week (as if I haven't done that over the summer anyway. Haha.)

I'm back at school next week and I have so much work to get done. I'm kind of a bit terrified to be in Year 11 so soon. I wish I could spend all my time sleeping and watching Netflix instead. I can dream, right? 

Love, Shay. xo